Wholesaling can be one of the greatest things to any real estate investor when they are just getting started or they need cash now.
The problem that lies in this is that your traditional wholesaling educators or gurus tend to only teach you the myths and the strategies from ten years ago. There is a big problem with that. The market has changed. Investors have changed. Sellers have changed. The lies are that they just do not do it anymore. That is something that you need to be clear about.
You need to understand that wholesaling is made up of many different ways of investing as a wholesale investor which is obviously just the art form of controlling real estate to make what we know as an “assignment fee.”
A lot of these so called “gurus” out there will tell you that you need no money to do this strategy. Well, that is another lie. They always leave out the fact that you have to do marketing. There is traditional wholesaling where most people go down the path of really trying to start wholesaling. That is a flat out lie. If you are going to do traditional wholesaling, you have to do a lot of marketing which requires money on your behalf to invest in that.
Now, do not get me wrong. We can build to traditional wholesaling. I want you to also be aware that you can not only build to traditional wholesaling which requires marketing, but there is a phenomenal way of wholesaling right now in the current market which truly does not take any money for marketing if you position yourself as a co-wholesaler. As a co-wholesaler, we can find people with properties and we can find people with buyers, and we can use the correct paperwork in the process to earn a fee on those types of transactions.
Now, I want to be clear with you that not all wholesaling requires you to pay for marketing, but the myths and the lies that they tell you about traditional wholesaling does require for you to spend money on marketing, but let’s build through that as we learn what co-wholesaling is all about.
So, guys. This is Zack Childress. I just want you to be aware of some of these things and keep reading. There is more great information on this page and more articles that can help you become a better wholesaler in today’s market.